Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Return From Bliss…

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I have returned from my amazing trip with my husband to Paris.  It is still surreal to even being saying that.  It was an amazing time. 
Today was one of my favorite days where parents do their best to sneak out of work or hold off on cleaning and go to their children's schools for a Thanksgiving feast!
I was fortunate to participate in both of my daughter’s classes today.  I know it is my last feast with M as she will be in Middle School next year and that is a whole new world.
But for today, I enjoyed being with her and she truly enjoyed me being there.  E, as always, was happy and fun to be around.  I am a very blessed Mom.
On our trip we only did carry on luggage because my husband is the ever efficient business traveler.  So, trying to pack for all kinds of weather, have some cute stuff to wear (after all, it is Paris!) and still leave room to bring home treasures was a difficult task. 
Do not worry, I was able to bring home a few things.  Although I did think they were going to take my bag off the plane and check it as my husband was shoving into the overheard compartment hoping it would fit!
My mind is buzzing with lots of projects and of course lots of pictures to share in the coming days.  And of course, I am behind all of you in getting started on my Christmas decorating.
So for now, I am off to bed…
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  1. Ohhh goodness~ lucky lucky you!!! Can't wait to hear more about you delightful trip! What a dream! :)

  2. So glad you finally had your special trip with your hubby. Looking forward to seeing more photos and hearing all the details. Happy Thanksgiving! (and don't worry, I haven't started my Christmas decorations yet, in fact I'm really annoyed by all the houses that have evergreen wreaths on their doors with red bows while still having pumpkins, corn stalks, and scarecrows nearby!!!)

  3. I am so glad that you had a wonderful time and I can't to see your pictures! I hope that you get some time to rest and catch up on sleep and family!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!


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