Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Runner of Thanks

Update: Since I have several questions concerning the chalkcloth, I should have told you to start that I purchased this through Etsy, specifically through Modern June.  She has a lot of great products.

I know, I know, so much Thanksgiving?  I guess I feel like I need to get it out of system and then start planning for Christmas!

I bought this runner months ago, it is simply a piece of chalkboard fabric cut in a unique shape.  I have used in for some time because I like the simplicity of them.  While I was putting together all of my Thanksgiving stuff, I realized it would make a great place to write what we are thankful for.  This is stuff me and my sister wrote, but I am going to continue to ask people to fill it out and it should be really full by Thanksgiving!  Here it is…

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I am sharing this project at…

The DIY Show Off
A Little Knick Knack

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend   wrap    up           party!


  1. This is fantastic! Love the idea. Your table is beautiful. Thanks for stopping by, so I could find you!

  2. I love it! I never seen chalkboard fabric before! Your table and you home look so beautiful!!

  3. That is too cute! Love your table runner idea, as well! Very creative! Found you via Emerald Cove.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi there~ that is such a cute runner idea!!!So creative- Love it! Thanks for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday !:)

  6. They make chalkboard fabric?!? I didn't know that! This is a really adorable idea!


  7. LOVE this! Had no idea there was chalk fabric! How wonderful!

    Found you thru CSI! Congrats!

    Kara @

  8. I've never seen chalkboard fabric before either, and I love this idea! I like the way you scalloped the edges too for that extra touch of detail.

  9. I love this idea!! Very creative! New to your blog and now that I have seen it I will keep coming back to see what else you post!!

  10. This is a great idea! I'd love it if you'd come link this at my linky party. Every Friday I host Home and Family Friday.


  11. Wow, what a great idea!!! thanks so much for sharing my Chalk Cloth Runner. I am going to post a pic on my blog to if that ok with you. Thanks for the shout out!!!

    xoxox, Kelly
    Modern June.

  12. This is really good. OK: I would like to invite you to link up on our site so our readers can find you too: Open now.

    On Wednesdays new parties open, so you can add more great tutorials as time goes on. Looking forward to seeing all your wonderful works of art! Cheers, Rose

  13. What a fun idea! I love it. This would be do-able with fabric and a fabric pen as well, I think. But, I LOVE chalkboard application so this is definitely my favorite!

  14. I have been checking in on your blog for a while & love all your ideas. I'm celebrating the 30 Days of Thanksgiving on my blog & wondered if you would mind if I shared some of your photos & a link back to your blog? I'd like to share the chalkcloth runner & your chalkboard.

  15. Love it, and I just happen to be sitting on some chalkboard fabric for a few months:).

    I am a new follower and I hope you follow me back:)

  16. Love that table runner. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Hi!! I am your newest follower from the crafty link up! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:) You can find me at
    Take a peek at my giveaways if you come by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous!

    This is a lovely idea:)

  18. This is AWESOME! What a great idea to write what you're thankful for. I've never even heard of chalkboard fabric before. I'm off to check out Modern June.

    Hugs to you,

  19. Ok ok now I'M the newest I love this idea too! and will be using it for our thanksgiving!!! can you share what you used to write on it with???

    a few years back I used a light cream table cloth.....used colored markers, had everyone trace their hands and decorate them to match their personalities and write on the fingers the things they were greatful for! it turned out wonderful!! I will try to find it in storage and blog it!!!!

  20. I found it!!! and here is the link.....

  21. Hi, I featured your table runner in my Frugalicious friday Favorites post today! Come check it out and grab a feature button if you like!

    Finding Fabulous

  22. Such a CuTe idea!! Thanks for sharing! BTW...I featured it here:

    Thanks again! :)


I would love to hear your comments!