Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thank You!

I just wanted to take a minute and thank Donna at Funky Junk Interiors for featuring my husband’s beautiful side table gift that he made in her sidebar.

christmas presents 004

And thank you to Jennifer at Tatertots and Jello for featuring the beautiful sheet music box that my daughter made for me.

megs present 008

Thanks to all of you for so many sweet comments on their projects.  They are both extremely appreciative of your kindness.  I am so thankful for them and for all of you.  Having this community make all of these projects that much more fun!


  1. congrats! that's awesome. you must be so proud of your super crafty family!

    love it!

  2. Congrats!! I bet your hubby and your daughter are so excited, they are such precious gifts!!

  3. well, you really have some creative counter parts ;) Both of those are truely wonderful and Im lovin your blog!! xxoo LA

  4. Congrats! Love love the night stand!


I would love to hear your comments!