Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We Have a Winner and Expressing My Gratitude

We have a Winner!

True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 44 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

And number 44 is the lovely Roseanna of After I finish this row.  She has some really great tutorials and projects on her blog if you have a moment to check her out here.


So Roseanna, once I have your address, this package of vintage goodies will be on its way to you!  Thanks so much for joining in.

giftsfor giveawaysjanuary 024

giftsfor giveawaysjanuary 030

This was my first giveaway so I was unsure of how it would go.  I appreciate everyone’s support and getting involved.  Several of you were willing to share on you sidebars, facebook and twitter and I thank you for that as well.

I would like to especially thank Jami at Freckled Laundry.  She shared my giveaway on her blog and sent a ton of new followers my way.  So welcome to all who came through Jami and I hope you are glad you came!

If  you haven’t already found Freckled Laundry, it is definitely worth a visit.

As I mentioned the other day, my cup is overflowing.  I spent the last few days with surprise visitors from Nevada and before that from NH and MA.  And before that, on Saturday, so many people came from near and very far to celebrate my 40th birthday.  I feel so much gratitude and thanks for my family who pulled this challenging surprise off for me.

And now, for my late giveaway for 200 followers, I am actually over 300!

Wow, it is a lot in a week.

My girls are home on break this week.  This is the first time we have ever had a February break so we made a bunch of plans of fun things to do.  Plus, I planned to get a lot of work done.

Well, work is loosing on this one.  We are going to the movies and we are going to the “big” mall and we are bringing friends and hoping to have lots of fun.

Trying to fit it into half of the week is a challenge, but everything else has to go, including cleaning my house.

But, I am not going to lie.  I have a hair appointment on Friday and I am not letting that go!  A girl has to got to cover her gray!  Especially when she is days from turning 40!

Have an amazing one!  And thanks so much for all that I have found through this blog and through all of you!


  1. Laura, I am beyond excited! What a lovely gift. Thank you so very much!!

  2. Congrats to Roseanna even though I am sad for me. Can anyone say "sore looser"?

  3. Congrats to the winner and YEAH on all your new followers!!! It sounds like you have some wonderful plans this week and yes, a girl needs some "me" time as well, a hair appointment should never be cancelled!! ;) And I think I heard that 40 is the new 30!! You are gorgeous my friend!!!

  4. Hi...I found you through Tammy at Beatrice Banks. Your blog is lovely and I am looking forward to looking at more of it. I love the pillows you have posted on your side bar. Like many bloggers out there, I have never met a pillow I didn't like and I love to make them. Nice to meet you...come visit my blog if you have time. I'm a new follower.


I would love to hear your comments!